Beyond Medical Labels
Have you or your child been diagnosed with any form of autism or ADHD (or indeed any of the other wide spectrum of labels now awarded to various permutations of symptoms)?
Firstly I should say that I embrace all ways in which humans are different from ‘the norm’. You are all very welcome in this Awakened Learning Space. You are welcome to partake in any activities or courses and your voice is heard and is valid.
Please consider the questions below with regard to medical labels:
Was it a relief at first to receive the ‘understanding’ of why you behave in a certain way or why you find certain things difficult? But now you are left feeling as though you don’t know how the label really does help you?
What does it provide you?
Maybe there are some ways in which it does help you? But maybe also there are more ways in which you have become accustomed to using the diagnosis as an excuse for not being able to do things?
Do you also identify AS the diagnosis, in other words do you constantly say ‘I am autistic’ or ‘I have got ADHD’ or ‘My ADHD means that <enter what you cannot do>’?
Maybe it becomes a limitation on your life rather than being helpful: ‘I can’t do xxx because I have ADHD’.
If any of these questions resonate, then I would suggest that it is time to understand what lies deeper under these medical diagnoses. What is really happening here? Why are there more and more people being given these labels? Where does it end? Perhaps when more people have the label than don’t have the label, then autism and ADHD will become the new norm even?
I myself have had various labels thrust at me, but yet I always felt I achieved more potent things in life than any of the people who were sticking the labels on me! Does this sound familiar?
Throughout my career as a 1-1 music teacher, I have worked with countless autistic, ADHD, dyslexic, dyspraxic (and many more labels!) students. And with my teaching and understanding they were either able to heal and move away from the label altogether or they realised the vast potential in actually realising the label was a gift, not a hindrance; that to be different from the norm was no bad thing!
And so I open up this Space for me to share my experience and expertise from having worked with hundreds of such children and adults.
What really lies at the basis of these diagnoses and how can we move beyond them into a deeper appreciation of what is really occurring here, beyond any limiting labels?
What really is Autism? What really is ADHD?
How does dyslexia come about – what is it really? Would you like to know how we can heal from the effects of it?
How do labels keep us stuck?
How can ‘neurodivergent’ people be the future? What do they offer the world over above the ‘neurotypical’ majority? Why is it always better to be in the minority?
Are these terms of ‘neurodivergent’ and ‘neurotypical’ assigned to the correct bodies of people?
Why are more and more people finding it difficult to survive in this world and hence receive a label?
If you would like to gain a deeper Understanding of what is happening in the bigger picture in humanity beyond the general level of understanding, you are welcome to join one of my Zoom meetings. There will first be a talk followed by question and answer sessions.
Disclaimer: The content of these sessions stems from my work as a spiritual teacher and so will be on a deeper level of existential understanding than is the norm. I am not discounting medical diagnoses or the requirement for them in some cases; I am merely offering a deeper way of understanding what they really are and how we can understand the deep rewards of not being neuro-typical.
Please only sign up if your mind is open to understanding beyond the standard accepted rhetoric in medical circles. Please note that there are no whacky conspiracy theories or sci-fi based theories here(!) Just good old ancient wisdom which has been around for thousands of years offered to you with the aim of shedding an Understanding light onto the bigger picture. This insight will offer relief and a positive way forward for yourself and your children.
Zoom meetings will be advertised on the What’s On page.